Perhaps it may turn out a sang,
Perhaps turn out a sermon.

-- R. Burns Epistle to a Young Friend

Monday, August 26, 2013

A Father Who Listened

This is just a little news item to consider:  Tony Yahle of Ohio was dead for 45 minutes.  He's alive and going back to work.  Dead, I should add, according to doctors.  Maybe the equipment was faulty.  Anyway, Yahle's seventeen-year-old son thought he was dead:

Yahle's 17-year-old son Lawrence had come running into the room upon hearing his father was dead and witnessed the moment when his dad woke up.

"I pointed at him and I said 'Dad, you're not going to die today,'" Lawrence told "I stood there for a few more seconds. I was about to walk back to comfort the family. It went from hopeless to hope in an instant."
The naysayers say, Nay, naturally.  I don't know.  Miracles do happen.  This could be one.

H/T to Breaking Christian News who point out that life and death is in the power of the tongue.

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