Perhaps it may turn out a sang,
Perhaps turn out a sermon.

-- R. Burns Epistle to a Young Friend

Thursday, May 30, 2013

From 'The Practice of the Presence of God'

Brother Lawrence
Brother Lawrence (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
That our sanctification did not depend upon changing our works, but in doing that for GOD's sake, which we commonly do for our own.

That it was lamentable to see how  many people mistook the means for the end, addicting themselves to certain works, which they performed very imperfectly, by reason of their human or selfish regards.

That the most excellent method he had found of going to GOD, was that of doing our common business without any view of pleasing men, [Gal. i. 10; Eph. vi. 5, 6.] and (as far as we are capable) purely for the love of GOD.

-- Brother Lawrence, "Fourth Conversation"

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John Lien said...

That the most excellent method he had found of going to GOD, was that of doing our common business without any view of pleasing men, [Gal. i. 10; Eph. vi. 5, 6.] and (as far as we are capable) purely for the love of GOD.

That sounds like something I can do.

I tell ya, I'm so tired of people/society/the general culture (and I live in semi-isolation!) But we need to love and pray for these same people that I'm so sick of. My salvation depends on their salvation if I understand Father Steven correctly.

Something has to give and it will probably be me.

Home on the Range said...

I need to type that out and place it in a prominent spot where I can see it often. Thank you.

mushroom said...

Thank you, Brigid.

Yeah, John, I think you're right. I'm the same way. The old song says, "It's me, Lord, standing in the need of prayer." I have to "expand" -- not to be more tolerant, but to be more Christ-like. New wine, old wineskin, doesn't work too well.