Perhaps it may turn out a sang,
Perhaps turn out a sermon.

-- R. Burns Epistle to a Young Friend

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Practice, Practice, Practice

Effortlessness is the end of effort
On a sea smooth as glass the sail is filled
Wing-weary eagles glide that climbed above
Foot-sore dancers laugh at gravity

The gift of grace unearned descends on thee
When thy work exhausted cannot harvest
Thy unknowing comes only in knowing
This is the end of thee, Thou awaits


mushroom said...

And now for something completely different.

Though most who stop by here will have already seen it, I heartily recommend reading the American Thinker article "Sedition is Constitutional".

julie said...

It's new(s) to me - thanks, Mushroom!

robinstarfish said...

I laughed at gravity once. SOB laughed right back and said "I'll show you!"

wv: clike - the sound of my ego smacking the ground

The current administration is, yes, a bunch of antisedites.

mushroom said...

Not taking gravity seriously is one reason my face looks the way it does.

The other reason is DNA ... and a misunderstanding in Oklahoma.

Joan of Argghh! said...

Good stuff here, as ever!