The pollsters were right and I was wrong. I still rather hope I went to sleep and just woke up in the wrong country. Apparently we are now officially a fascist state, fed propaganda by the Democrat-controlled Ministry of Media -- formerly known as the Free Press. The MSM makes Pravada look fair and balanced.
Soros and Buffett have bought themselves a nice little superpower for a few hundred million.
I won't say I'm shocked -- sick, but not shocked. The last round of polls just did not show enough momentum coming into today. I would guess it came down the economy, and particularly to the mortgage crisis which was skillfully laid on Republicans by the media. I suppose they deserved it, since they went along with the bailout. Really how much more socialist could Obama be? -- OK, don't answer that.
I survived LBJ, Carter, and Clinton. Whether or not I survive Obama's attempt to turn us into a third world dystopia, I won't be anybody's serf.
I still have my Bible, and if they take that, I still have Jesus, bitter clinger that I am.
Goodnight, America. It's been nice knowing you.
The Homeostatic God
14 hours ago
You are a brilliant writer, and you cracked me up with your comment on my blog yesterday. I read it when I got home late last night. It was great to have a good laugh before jumping in the sack.
Aye. I almost couldn't accept the reality, that tens of millions of Americans would choose socialism.
That they would return to the bonds of Egypt rather than stay in the land of the free and home of the brave.
And like you I will cling to Jesus, and to the liberty we still have, and pray we don't get fooled again.
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