Perhaps it may turn out a sang,
Perhaps turn out a sermon.

-- R. Burns Epistle to a Young Friend

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Called To, Called In

Each one should remain in the condition in which he was called.  Were you a slave when called? Do not be concerned about it. But if you can gain your freedom, avail yourself of the opportunity.  For he who was called in the Lord as a slave is a freedman of the Lord. Likewise he who was free when called is a slave of Christ.  You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men.  So, brothers, in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God. - 1 Corinthians 7:20-24

There are people who catch a glimpse of the almost unbelievable power in the Spirit and begin to think that they can get things they have never had, do things they have never been able to do, maybe be famous.  Nothing is impossible for those who believe.  Just have faith.  Move mountains.  Raise the dead.  Walk on the water.  It is only my lack of faith, my doubt that is holding me back from being Emperor of North America. 

What these folks tend to forget are the circumstances which led them to Christ, to salvation or enlightenment or whatever people choose to call it.  I was called to Christ in an unpleasant situation that got much worse.  After about a year or so, I ended up in a job that most people would consider rather bad.  It varied from tedious to disgusting to dangerous.  The pay was low, though appropriate.  It was very difficult to deal with and adjust to the hours and schedule.  It was a complete deadend for someone with my background and interests.  But I learned a lot there, about myself, about the power of God, about people, grace, faith, suffering, even a little about courage.  Looking back, I don't have any regrets about that period of my life - except for crashing the old SR500. 

When I had worked through a lot of my attitude problems, a door opened, and I walked into a completely different environment with a different set of challenges.  Again I learned something - this time about faithfulness and loyalty.  The same has been true over the intervening years, through all sorts of changes, dislocations, relocations, and conflicts.  I am where I am, doing what I am doing because Lord has put me here.  Everybody can say that very same thing, whether they realize it or not.

Even when I am forced to admit that I am in a bad place through my own bad choices, I can recognize that, too, is the grace of God - that, unlike Esau, I have found a place of repentance and room to turn around.  My circumstances may not change.  I may end up living out my life in poverty or pain, oppression or want, but it will not matter.  A person who understands fully the power of God will be able to remain content in the most humble or trying of positions.

There are, unquestionably, people who are called to a particular mission or vocation.  They have to respond, get up and move.  Most of us, though, are called in a condition, as Paul says.  A long-time friend of mine just got back from a Muslim nation where he preached the gospel of Jesus Christ with armed guards around him, his life in danger every moment.  That's a calling - but so is raising good kids and taking care of one's family, battling cancer, dealing with an abusive relationship, a family member's illness or insanity, unemployment, job stresses, financial crises, and a thousand other possibilities.  Our journey, yours and mine, through this life, however it may wind and climb, however smooth or rough the way, is our calling.  Follow on.

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