May 12 is the birthday of Edward Lear who popularized the limerick in English so Limerick Day was yesterday. In keeping with my long standing tradition of being a day late and a dollar short, the Jungle offers you this opportunity to try your hand at composing a limerick.
You need five lines, rhyming "aabba". First, second and fifth lines should have eight or nine syllables; third and fourth lines should have five or six. I'm not counting. If it sounds good, it is good.
To get you started:
A wannabe pol of Chicago
Thought he could be more like ol' Blago
Though he ACORN'ed the Fed
The economy's dead
Now Congress is playing the lotto.
Plato For the Win!
1 hour ago
There was a slime mold called Obama,
Who hijacked a ca$h Cow, but he lost her;
But they said, 'Don't you see, she has rushed up a tree?
You invidious slime mold called Obama!
That's pretty good. How many limericks have "invidious" and "slime mold"?
There once was a man from Nantucket....
I better not finish that one; it was one of my father-in-law's favorites, though.
There was a young fellow named Hilton
Who spoke with a bit too much liltin'
He called Beauty a bitch
And it soon made her rich
Though she was not one he could tilt on.
I've been to Nantucket, and I understand.
Limerick, you say? Well, we do have to honor Ed, so...
There once was a pig they called Zero
Who slept in a dirty sombrero
But he had the last laugh
When he scared the priestcraft
From Mexico City to Fargo
San Fran Nan was her name,
And lying was her game,
She called all truth sayers liars, But they all stood up and defied her,
Now even the press knows she's to blame
Amen, Ben!
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