Perhaps it may turn out a sang,
Perhaps turn out a sermon.

-- R. Burns Epistle to a Young Friend

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What the Pimp and the Philanthropist Have in Common

They are fierce and terrifying; their views of justice and authority stem from themselves – Habbakuk 1:7

Because they disregarded the righteousness from God and attempted to establish their own righteousness, they have not submitted to God’s righteousness – Romans 10:3

Just as God hates unrighteousness, so He abhors self-righteousness (Watchman Nee).

I looked toward God and saw that I was far from Him. I thought I could do better. I read. I studied. I taught. I instructed the weak and stumbling. I became a pretty good person, certainly I was vastly improved over the way I had been before. I could see where other people were missing it, and I used my experience to help them.

One day the devil’s own Chaldean cavalry rode up in a cloud of dust, and, because they were more powerful, looked to no authority higher than themselves, and judged themselves by human standards, they took me captive. I prayed to the Lord, called upon His Name, and questioned why this had happened to me. Had I not been faithful in giving? Had I not been doing the Lord’s work? Had I not served? Had I not done beautiful things?

There I lay in a dark hole, trussed up like a hog for butchering, helpless. The Lord came to me. ‘What do you think is the problem?’ He asked.

I’ll tell you the truth, I thought I was hallucinating. Why would the Lord ask such a question? But I replied with respect, ‘As You can see, I have been taken captive, bound, and thrown into a dungeon. I should like very much, Lord, to go free.’

The Lord is a light unto Himself. I could see that He pressed His lips together and nodded. ‘I am trying to free you, son.’

I thought to myself, He’s God, ain’t He got a pocketknife? But I said calmly, ‘Since You are here anyway, couldn’t You just untie me and carry me out of this hole?’

He smiled. ‘No, son. You see, I’m the One who sent the devil after you in the first place.’

‘Pardon me, Lord, I am afraid I misunderstood You. You make it sound like You want me in this filthy hole. I could die down here.’

Again the Lord smiled, ‘That’s the idea.’

[A]nd be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own from the law, but one that is through faith in Christ (Philippians 3:9).


julie said...

Hah - I think you should link to this every time we get that troll who keeps telling us to go out and proselytize the Raccoon Way.

walt said...

Brings new meaning to the old idea of fit to be tied!

QP said...

‘Pardon me, Lord, I am afraid I misunderstood You. You make it sound like You want me in this filthy hole. I could die down here.’

Again the Lord smiled, ‘That’s the idea.

O, the horror!

Your post fits perfectly with my mediation for Wednesday:

In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
~Romans 6:11

Since the life of Christ is every way most bitter to nature and the Self and the Me (for in the true life of Christ, the Self and the Me and nature must be forsaken and lost and die altogether), therefore in each of us, nature hath a deep horror of it.

~Theologia Germanica [1518]

Rick said...

There is a great pile of shoes at the bottom of that hole.
Thank, God.

mushroom said...

Ho, good catch, Rick. I forgot to mention the pile of shoes. Perfect.

Rick said...

Well…I remember a pair of nines that fit pretty well once.

Rick said...

Mushroom, for a moment I thought this post seemed to be linked to yesterdays...but I lot the thread It was here, I think:

“…the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father. I will also love him and reveal Myself to him. (John 14:21)”

and here:

“This is My commandment: that you love one another just as I have loved you (John 15:12)”

And or course those remind of this one which is resighted many times:

“Love thy neighbor, as yourself”

These statements in particular seem to mean so much more than they do on the surface. They beg you to look deeper into them. Yet, that they also mean what they mean on the surface. They bug me, in fact :-) Which I think is key to the point.