Perhaps it may turn out a sang,
Perhaps turn out a sermon.

-- R. Burns Epistle to a Young Friend

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm the god of Velveeta, honey

This is called a mondegreen. The title is a variation on Iron Butterfly's famous "In the Garden of Eden" -- more commonly known as "Inna-Gatta-da-vita". If you're under about 45 and this makes no sense to you, don't worry about it. You had to be there.

Wrapped up like a douche.

Actual lyric:Revved up like a deuce.
(Manfred Mann)

I will admit I always heard it that way, and one makes about as much sense as the other, and the rest of "Blinded by the Light".

Here's another one, and might I add, does it really matter?

Hang on stupid.

Actual lyric: Hang on, Sloopy.
(The McCoys)

I'm not sure when Tony Danza became famous. "Tiny Dancer" goes back to the early '70's pre-"Yellow Brick Road", as best I recall, otherwise it would not surprise me that Reg sang it this way -- OK, maybe not the head lice.

Hold me closer, Tony Danza
Count the head lice on the highway.

Actual lyric: Hold me closer, tiny dancer,
count the head lights on the highway.
(Elton John "Tiny Dancer")

Had enough? If not here are a couple of links:

A set from fun-with-words

and another set from braincandy

1 comment:

mushroom said...

This working for a living is a crime. We got to have some fun once in a while. Right?

There are some pretty amusing ones in the links. I'm trying to think of a song where the chorus goes like "Oh, oh, oh, the Israelite" -- and you hear like "the ears are light". Or maybe it's the other way.

I need more coffee.