I went out to water the tomatoes, and I found a turtle sitting on top of this post.
"Well, hello," I said, "how did you get up there?"
"I jumped, of course. I have an awesome vertical jump. It comes with the tight buns. And I can hit 3-pointers."
"It's getting pretty hot out here in the sun, isn't it?"
"No problemo. I don't sweat."
"OK. Um, how you going to get down?"
"Have I mentioned HOPE?"
"Not yet."
"How about CHANGE?"
"Sweat or no, you're going to be baked turtle pretty soon. It's like 95 out here."
"That is so specie-est! I'll bet you're one of those human supremacists. How dare you bring up my turtleness!"
"At least I can get myself off a post. Look, I'll get you off there, but you have to tell me the truth. You know turtles can't jump."
"All right. That Soros guy set me up here, but I really deserve it. I am all about hope and change."
I gently picked the turtle up and placed it on the ground in the shade.
"Whew," he said as he began to crawl away, "that's change I can live with."
I just wanted an excuse to post this picture.
That's freaky. It's the third turtle post I've read today. There's some sort of unicity happening with the turtles! Run for your life!
I couldn't resist. The little guy was out there and there was the post. Just in case PETA or the Humane Society checks in, I only left him up there until he stuck his head out for the pose.
No terrapins were harmed in the making of this picture.
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