Perhaps it may turn out a sang,
Perhaps turn out a sermon.

-- R. Burns Epistle to a Young Friend

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

So do not be surprised at again finding yourself becoming sensitive, impatient, haughty, and self-willed.  You must be made to understand that this is your natural disposition, and without God’s grace, you will never be anything different.  “We must bear the yoke of the daily confusion of our sins,” says St. Augustine.  We must be made to feel our weakness, our wretchedness, our inability to correct ourselves.  We must give up hope in ourselves, and have no hope but in God.  Yet we must bear with ourselves, never flattering ourselves, but never neglecting an opportunity to correct ourselves.  

We need to understand what kind of people we really are while waiting for God to change us.  We need to become humble under His all-powerful hand.  We need to become submissive and manageable as soon as we sense any resistance in our will.  Be silent as much as you can.  Be in no hurry to judge, but think through your decisions, your likes and dislikes.  In your daily life, stop at once when you are aware of getting in too much of a hurry.  And do not be too eager even for good things.  Take your time.  Fénelon

For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.  But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.  For each will have to bear his own load. – Galatians 6:3-5

Drama at home is like meringue on pie.  It’s a lot of trouble to make, serves no purpose that I can see, but some people seem to insist on adding it.


julie said...

Yes, I'd have to agree. One of the reasons I haven't minded being so far away from my family, all these years. I miss them, all the time, but I don't miss the intrigues, the power plays, the hurt feelings, the lack of proportion, being forced to pick sides or play a part in someone else's psychodrama.

Of course, now that I have more than one kid (and one of them female), I can be assured that it will all catch up to me, as soon as they're both old enough to drive each other crazy... :)

Family: can't live without 'em, can't force 'em to all just get along.

mushroom said...

I think that's one of the reasons I loved living down in Texas so much. We'd see them often enough, but it seemed a lot less stressful.

My poor daughter-in-law is just being driven nuts right now because some family members can't stay out of her business.

John Lien said...

I like this Fénelon fellow. Thanks for sharing.

My experience has been those who think they are bad are not so bad and those who think they are just fine need the most change.

It's been a personal struggle. You got your real humility and your faux humility that sneaks in and then you have a life experience that tests you and you fail and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.

John Lien said...

I see you've upped your avatar a few megatons.

mushroom said...

Somebody has said something like the closer we get to God the worse we look to ourselves. Our standard changes. The plumb line gets really straight and deviations are glaring.

Grading on the curve against most people we know, we're probably about average.

I like the Pillar of Fire look for Spring. The old one I stole from Lileks off a comic book cover. I like it because it's so hokey.

I almost went to an actual picture of me that I use for the Microsoft Lync conference calls, but it's not sharp. I wish I had a scan of the picture my wife took one day when I was young. I was wearing a three-piece suit and my neon-green XXXL motorcycle helmet. You'd see why they called me mushroom.