Perhaps it may turn out a sang,
Perhaps turn out a sermon.

-- R. Burns Epistle to a Young Friend

Friday, September 19, 2008

FNFFA -- Smoke 'em if ya got 'em

Pepe LePew Lives!

Let’s see: Tolkien, D&D, Cowards, Narcissists, and a son of bitch in a silk robe Bill Whittle tells us about the undefended city.

Isn’t it nice that the leftists aren’t haters like us radical, gap-toothed, right wingers

Cho’ nuff, Margaret. As laughable as sick, angry, bitter maroons who call themselves ‘Comedians’

I tagged my view of the Bible on at the end of Thursday’s thread on OC, so I’ll repeat it here. The written word of God is a revelation of God. Here’s the deal: most of us are never going be buddhas. There’s no ascending to God from the flatland without some help. Through His word, and ultimately through the Word, God comes down to us. I am a fundamentalist in the sense that I think the Holy Spirit wrote and preserved what we know as the Bible today.

The cosmos is a revelation of God. Man is a revelation of God. Studying nature and man will, if one is open to it, move a person closer to the Divine. Yet, He remains unknowable unless there is an unveiling. So God gives His word, but even that is not enough. “But their minds were closed. For to this day, at the reading of the old covenant, the same veil remains; it is not lifted, because it is set aside only in Christ” (2 Corinthians 3:14).

As Bob has said, scripture is rather holographic. Paul goes on to say in that passage that the veil is removed when a person comes to the Lord. The Spirit of God begins to interact with the written word and the spirit of the believer to cause the word to come alive. The charismatics distinguish between logos and rhema -- the word on the page versus the word alive in one’s heart.

The Bible can help us understand how to relate to the cosmos, and to one another. To steal a concept from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, the Bible doesn’t tell you how to fix your motorcycle but it does tell you the proper attitude to have in order to fix it. You can’t use the Bible as a scientific text but it does give you the right way to think about science. An enlightened mind helps you do whatever your hand finds to do with wisdom, more effectively and more joyously.


Rick said...

You rang?
:-) Thanks pard-ner!
RE your last post and “preparation”, if that doesn’t mean “evolution toward something” rather than say, random change, I don’t know what does. Which is to say “proper change” and “no short cuts”. I mean, it’s the only kind of evolution a Raccoon is interested in. Unlike oh, Ray, who thinks rainbows are “cool!” unquote. How deep.

“I’m sure that’s not the only way to look at the genealogy and its divisions but it is one possible view.”

Yes, whenever I connect with a passage I’m always aware it’s just scratching the surface. That’s the best part. I take nothing for granted in the Bible – what looks like the most simplest of passages, especially the handful I’ve seen all my life, so saturated, I just know now there’s more to them than meets the eye. They are treasures, a motherload just under the surface waiting to be uncovered by the most delicate brushing of a dead serious archeologist. Or the missing link to some other much larger living thing.

“You can’t use the Bible as a scientific text but it does give you the right way to think about science.”

Precisely. And I will add that from my little experience with it so far, it looks as if it will hold up to proper scientific examination…that operates within its realm. It’s only a matter of the proper attitude, as you say, reverence, humility, in how one approaches the material and the skill needed to interpret its data: eternal wisdom that will bring you closer to God. RE the broken motorcycle, this is where prayer often comes in handy :-) However, it won’t tell you where you left your 9/16ths socket, but it may tell you if it’s really the perfect motorcycle that you’re chasing.* That is, if you are listening.

Thanks again, Mushroom.

*No offense, big, scary motorcycle lovers. Please notice I said 9/16ths and not 16mm.

Sal said...

Thanks for the Whittle link- that was a gem. I'm saving them to read to the g-kids.

Dirty Harry has a running compendium of Left entertainers (I use the term loosely) weighing in on Palin:"______ _______ Finally Had To Say Something".
He had those two little charmers yesterday.

mushroom said...

Evolution toward something is exactly right. I think it was Charles Fort who once mocked the simple materialist saying something like "natural selection means survivors survive". You can tell that most of the materialistic naturalists don't get out much.

Myself I have nothing against metrics. My winter project will be an attempt to restore a Yamaha 175 trials bike that's been sitting in the barn for 20+ years. I have the owners manual but I'm probably going to need a shop manual, and lots of prayer.

mushroom said...

Sal, after I posted that link on Whittle I saw it everywhere. Ximeze had put it up on OC, and it was all over Free Republic. Everybody on the right (the left, too, I'm just not sure it would do them any good) needs to read it.

I suspected you were the Sal on DHP.