Perhaps it may turn out a sang,
Perhaps turn out a sermon.

-- R. Burns Epistle to a Young Friend

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Lord is in the Right

The bricks have fallen, but we will build with dressed stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we will put cedars in their place. – Isaiah 9:10

This verse and its surrounding text is the basis for a book called The Harbinger by messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn.  I skimmed through a copy of it, and by skimmed, I mean I read the actual information which comprises probably five pages out of a book of 150 pages or so.  To summarize, Cahn draws a parallel between the nation of Israel and the nation of America.  The quoted verse is not a statement of optimism or hope but of defiance of God.  This verse was quoted by then-Senate Majority leader Tom Daschle immediately after the 9/11 attacks, again by vice-presidential candidate John Edwards on the 9/11 anniversary in 2004, I think.  There are a number of other strange “coincidences” that Cahn documents – including the fact that debris from the falling towers uprooted a sycamore tree on grounds of a church near Ground Zero.  It happens to be the same church where George Washington took his oath of office in 1792.  There is also the somewhat disturbing revelation that the stock market crashes in September 2001 and September 2008 both occurred on a specific date in the Jewish calendar -- the seven-year debt cancellation anniversary called the shemitah.  Or something like that.  Note that I am not recommending this book, I am just acknowledging it.  

Anyway, this information is embedded in a fictional narrative about a prophet who dresses like Neo in The Matrix and a protagonist who turns out be a scribe on the order of Jeremiah’s Baruch.  I have no idea why Brother Cahn did that.  It’s a lagniappe I did not need.  I am pretty sure that America as a nation is not a new version of Israel.  The Israel of God is Christ and His Body and Bride upon the earth is the Church.  God still loves and cares for His Chosen People, and the modern nation of Israel is a sign and a witness to His grace and His mercies, which, as Lamentations remind us, are new every morning. 

God will warn any of us against self-destruction.  We have a critical mass of people in America and in Europe who have given themselves over to greed, selfishness, and materialism – not only in terms of consumption but as a philosophy of life.  The materialists are not limited to the declared atheists and agnostics but include many who would call themselves religious, even Christian.   Anyone who makes success in this world their goal is in danger of being deceived into believing that the derivative material world is the only reality. 

I agree with the writer of The Harbinger that the horrors and destruction wrought on September 11, 2001 were warnings we should have heeded.  This does not in any way minimize or mitigate the guilt of the Islamic demons that planned and carried out the attack.  They were not “doing the will” of God, and they will all rot in hell.  Nevertheless, I believe the attack succeeded only because America had broken down a hedge of protection through sin and the neglect and outright denial of truth.  In response, we should have, as a nation but especially as Christians, humbled ourselves before God. 

For a few days after those horrible events, we did fill the churches in this country.  We did pray.  We did ask why.  Still, from the very first moments, our thoughts were of defiance.  The terrorists, we said, were not going to be allowed to win.  They were not going to get us to change our habits, our lifestyle, our values ...
… except , except ... our values are empty.  Our lifestyles are corrupt and immoral.  Our habits are destructive. 

I am all for revenge.  I am too much Scots-Irish to think there’s anything a good feud can’t settle.  I can hold a grudge with the best of them.  While it is true that I have an explosive, hair-trigger – some would say, berserker, temper, I recognize the value of planning and not trying to fire from half-cock.  Self-assessment is essential to doing anything right.  You have to be able to step back and look at yourself in an objective, realistic way.  After 9/11, I do not think we did that as a nation.  I think we were just like “Ephraim and the inhabitants of Samaria, who [said] in pride and in arrogance of heart”, we will rebuild, we have plenty of resources, plenty of money, plenty of military might and firepower.  We can do whatever we need to do.  No one (and, by implication, not even God) can stop us.   

We did not see 9/11 as a warning – not in the nation, not in the Church.  We did not see the market crash in September 2008 as a warning.  We have continued down the path to destruction as a nation, and the Church is not calling people to repentance in a unified or consistent way. 

As far as politics go, neither candidate is willing to say the hard things America needs to hear.  A righteous nation would never have elected Bill Clinton as president.  We were long gone once my generation took over.  We have been defying and challenging God for many decades.  We mock Him daily.  Our gods are the state and our bellies, as Paul so aptly put it. 

As the election draws closer, it is clear that politicians are offering a false and misleading version of hope.  We have more than half the voters in this country who think that government is capable of “fixing things” – that’s across right, left, and middle.   Now, more than ever, it is critical that we have our hope focused beyond the White House, state houses, government, jobs, economic conditions, military power, education, and status.   Truth is not decided by a vote of the majority.  Hope begins and ends in Christ Alone.  There can be only One.  

For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ.  Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.  But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.  (Philippians 3:18-21)


Rick said...

Great post, Mush. Thank you.
Yes, I think you are right that there is more to what met the eye that day. Who could deny it.
Perhaps in 1,000 years (if we are better) we will be able to see more of what was revealed then. Or in 950 years where that animal finds its place in the great ark.
History takes time. We are too close to it still to know where it lies. We just know it has left a deep mark, and that it must go somewhere. This or that world is always in the process of ending. Anyway, perhaps like Christianity, the only thing wrong with America is those bloody Americans.

Rick said...

Good News Dept (maybe): Christ drew evil out of the woodwork. They could not resist him. This happens in small ways and always. So, perhaps there are good signs too. I see a lot of tormented souls unable to remain at rest and hidden these days. I might have some of it in me.
I think it would be misplaced to think the drawing force emanates from Romney/Ryan. Good and evil (at all levels) sense the void and react accordingly.

mushroom said...

Well and wisely said. We can only catch glimpses and flashes in the now. People will pursue seemingly wrong roads to a divine destination.

Like the old song says:

As the eagle stirs her nest
So her young ones have no rest,
God in His own mysterious way
Stirs up His people to watch and pray.

robinstarfish said...

Yes, a most insightful post. In spite of the blows our nation has absorbed recently, we still suffer from an unfortunate and deadly streak of arrogance that can't lead anywhere good.

This is the first presidential election in which I honestly cannot vote with good conscience, not even by holding my nose, shutting my eyes, and singing 'la la la' at the top of my lungs. There isn't a choice between x and y - they are both z. It galls me to give up my right to vote, but I'm trying to convince myself that not voting can be a righteous act. I tell myself it's evidence that I'm slowly becoming cognizant of my true citizenship - but then that could be nothing more than my own arrogance.

My Maker isn't done with me yet; that's all I know. And I suspect He's not done with our nation either, but I'm not nearly as convinced of that.

mushroom said...

You and I are close to the same age. It is probably very hard for people who grew up watching "Combat" and reading about Nick Fury and his Howling Commandos to think that "American pride" could become dangerous.

"With that power I should have power too great and terrible. And over me the Ring would gain a power still greater and more deadly."

Rick said...

No one has asked my opinion. I tried to leave a comment at Van's the other day but blooger struck and away it went. It was on this subject of non-voting. I'll take it as a sign if blooger strikes again.

In case these thoughts have any value:

Lately I've been thinking this "to vote for the lesser of two evils" (as being a bad thing to do) is a temptation. And we know who temps. I don't know who started that campaign, but while writing The War, you know, you spend some time wondering what that guy on Sam's heels may be up to (only all the time) and what he is thinking (the enemy, that is). What will he try next.

Anyway, vowing never place my hope in, or to be saved by a candidate, I think it may yet help to vote for (still a positive act) the one who is closer (if only a little) to your ideal candidate. No matter how distant. Otherwise, how will they learn. As I do believe in evolution, we will get better competition when we pick the best ones they present. If a cow is to turn into a whale, we cannot vote for the whale or nothing. There are steps through which one must pass. It took 80 years to get into this mess. It may take longer to get back to square one (when or wherever that was).

Still a positive kind of vote, I think: I can't vote for one who I know has cast a vote for infanticide. I can't imagine the other doing that. That's something. So I can cast a vote against that. Like shoring up a dam, or buying time, as Van said. I don't need a lot of reasons -- such as I don't need more than the self-evident one that tells me I have a right to own a gun to defend myself. I don't need to get into hunting or any of the other reasons. The self-evident one is sufficient. I think a non-vote sends no discernible message. The "Rock the Vote" crowd has value to someone. They are more easily tempted.

When Jesus selected Peter to be His rock, His Church, He had to select from some pretty poor candidates at the time (compared to Himself). And He lost patience with them, at times.

But I also know you brothers have been at this thing longer than me.

mushroom said...

I'm still debating. There is a "worse than" in this case. Some days I'm with Van; some days, Robin -- it's just, Why should I in any way legitimize what these people are knowingly -- and make no mistake, Mitt Romney knows -- doing, staying on a path that will end in horrific destruction.

If you want to read some really radical stuff, Ann Barnhardt is off the charts. What she says is right -- at least for her -- I tentatively addressed it here.

Rick said...

Me, too. Me, too.

I wasn't aware Romney was pushing "stay the course".

I've read and watched Ann. She gives me the creeps (a little). I seem to be alone in that camp. She got the crazy eyes. Like she'd have them eyes no matter what. Or she's enjoying this a little too much. I've been wrong before - plenty.

One other thing, I don't think Obama is evil. Maybe. Or just in terrible error. Probably grinding an axe even he is not aware of. Just grinding... But it doesn't matter which one it is, he is indistinguishable from someone trying to destroy us from the inside. So what does his motive matter.

I'd rather read your stuff, Mush.
But Mitt is saying stay the course? I don't read everything.

Rick said...

Yep, just read your piece. Your hand is sober.
As for Ann, every one has a role, as Bob says.

Btw, I flunked geometry the first year. Straight As the second year. Had a good teacher that last time. You never can tell what's around the corner.

mushroom said...

Part of Ann's deal is schtick because she's likes attention, but I think she's basically sincere. Definitely crazy eyes.

Stay the course may be too strong. But Romney's not being completely honest about what has to be done in order to reduce the deficit. And it is probably unfair to ask him to be since that would put him at a serious political disadvantage.

The Federal Reserve is keeping interest rates unreasonably low in order for the federal government to continue to finance the deficit. If bank rates on CDs were at their traditional five or even four percent, I'd feel a lot better about retiring in four or five years.

But if the Treasury were forced to pay 4% on a ten-year bond, the service on the debt would triple. They would be forced to start cutting back. If that happens, it is a huge hit to the economy which would likely experience a decline in GDP -- not just a decline in the rate of increase.

We need to realistically cut government spending by 40% just to match revenues. That's huge reductions in education and the military, but especially in Medicare, Medicaid, and entitlements.

So what is Romney going to do? Adopt Ryan's budget which reduces the rate of increase while hoping the private sector picks up and generates enough revenue to close the gap somewhat.

The Occupiers point to the bankers as being the problem. But it is not the bankers controlling government so much as the bankers (especially via the Fed) and the government engaging in collusion for their mutual benefit. Debt from the dot-com bubble, the housing bubble, and now the government bond bubble needs to be cleared. Basic Austrian economics. Iceland did it.

The problem is that it will result in a massive deflationary depression. It sounds bad, but it is a reset we could grow out of if we went into it in a controlled way. But who wants to be the guy that does that, and who in his right mind running for office would tell the voters that's what has to be done? It would make "legitimate rape" sound almost reasonable.

So that's why I'm still ambivalent about voting against Obama by voting for Romney or voting for some third party like the Libertarians.

Rick said...

"Ryan's budget which reduces the rate of increase while hoping the private sector picks up and generates enough revenue to close the gap somewhat"

Does he hafta do eeeeeverything?!

Actually, I've seen the private sector do amazing things. When ya let 'em.

Funny you say generates. I'm trying to imagine what it would be like if we became an energy exporter.
As I understand it, we have the resources for it. Or at least to be independent. This also could not be done overnight. I often wonder what it would do for the economy once we only began to do it. With some determination.

mushroom said...

I wrote about that on the other blog. Natural gas, coal, shale, etc., coupled with some alternate things like liquid fluoride thorium reactors could make us energy independent and net exporter. It would completely change the dynamics.

How would the economy take off with $1.00 or $1.50 a gallon for gas?

The private sector will definitely generate new revenues if it is allowed to.