I have not contracted swine flu, though I have had a touch of whine flu.
My wife, who weighs all of 110 pounds, was maliciously tripped by one of her shrubs. I strongly suspect the sand cherry -- after all they have red leaves. She managed to break her fall by breaking an arm bone. But she is neat as always, and it is a neat hairline fracture -- broken perfectly in place. It's her right arm -- her dominant side -- there's probably something symbolic in that.
The orthopedic doc was so pleased with her that he will let her have a removable splint rather than a gaudy cast as heavy as she is. The six week recovery time leaves her depressed, however.
So, in addition to taking care of business, I have to take care of applying deodorant to Mrs. Mushroom's left underarm.
The Future of God
13 hours ago
While I'm wincing in sympathy for your wife, the description made me laugh. I'm glad she's alright, though. And thanks for checking in - I was starting to wonder if anything had happened :)
I did a similar thing a few years back, zigging when I should have zagged and whupp: hairline fracture in my leg, plus a 2" screw in my ankle. Could'a been worse, but it's the same 6-8 week recovery time.
But that is not the point. What happened was that, as I hobbled about my business waiting on peeps, I got to hear all of their stories about what they had broken. And almost everyone has broken something at one time or another -- often, doing ridiculously commonplace things! So perhaps there's some comfort in knowing "it happens all the time."
She has my sympathy as well!
Owee! I'm wincing with Mizz M too. I've never broken a bone, but last fall I was diagnosed with significant osteoporosis. Extreme fear of falling was a big issue for a while...just part of the territory now.
I bet you're good nursing will make a big difference to her recovery process.
Ow- prayers for her speedy recovery.
I know you're a good nurse, and she's in good hands.
Thanks, you all.
I don't know if I have ever broken a bone or not. I know a car ran over my leg and it didn't break. However, a year or two ago, I cracked my left thumb against a bushhog blade I was trying to remove, and it hurt and didn't work quite right for longer than normal. Then there was the time I tripped over a guy wire and dropped my entire weight violently on my right knee, on concrete. It made funny, crunchy noises when I tried to walk, so I wore an elastic knee brace until it stopped hurting.
I don't like doctors. More people die in hospitals than anywhere else. I think I have heard that more people die from doctors' mistakes than die in car crashes and shootings combined. There may, of course, be some overlap in categories. Like the person who accidentally shoots himself while driving, crashes his car, and then draws a doctor having a bad day when he gets to the ER. If that happens, you know it's just your time to go.
I always think of the bowler who was so frustrated with his game that on the way home, he threw his bowling ball out the window of his car on an overpass. The ball bounces a couple of times and then goes through the windshield of another car, killing the driver.
That's how I want to go. In a completely freak accident that could not happen again in a million tries. Then there's no question my time is up.
I hope Mrs. Mushroom is well on her way to recovery. However, wishing for a bowling ball death? That is just too weird!
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