Seeing that it is a holiday weekend, we begin a new tradition which may last only this week, depending on whether I remember to continue.
I didn't see any of The Speech. Opinions seem to vary widely.
Rasmussen reports a modest Obama bounce. Note that he says this does not include The Speech, but the Palin announcement may suppress some of that anyway.
With the acquittal of Jose Luis Nazario today, I believe that all the Marines charged with murder in the Haditha incident have now been cleared. Of course we are still waiting for John Murtha to apologize for slandering better men than himself.
McCain's selection of Sarah Palin is interesting. He completely wins over the conservative base of the Republican Party. He reinforces his maverick reformer image. He adds administrative experience -- neither Obamba nor Plugs have anything other than rhetorical experience as U.S. Senators. The experience thing is going to be tricky for the Dems. If Obamba brings it up, it is 47 vs 44, two years as governor vs four years as senator, except he has been running for Prez most of the time.
Biden was chosen specifically to pad Obamba resume' and to be the attack dog. I'm sure Joe was primed for Melmac Mitt or laid-back Pawlenty (why am I hungry for tex-mex all of the sudden?). My guess is Mitt would have held his own; Palin may not be able to -- even though she is nicknamed Barracuda. I wonder if they'll play the Heart song for her at the convention?
Think about this, as a man how do you debate a good-looking, at least reasonably intelligent woman? There are three bad outcomes: you look patronizing; you come off as mean; you look like a wuss. Actually Biden's only viable option is to be nice to her, essentially leave her alone, and simply try to state his own case forcefully. If he goes into attack-dog mode on a woman ... well, Mr. Palin might kick his ass ... but at the very least he makes every man watching with even a hint of testosterone want to kick his ass. That does not bode well for picking up votes.
At this point, I'd say McCain has the non-metrosexual, straight male demographic locked down solid. Lefty Looney George Clooney may campaign for Obamba, but if he's a real man, he'll be thanking God for the secret ballot.
If you think I've gone overboard on Sarah Palin's looks, I have two words: Madeleine Albright. For four years we had to watch Madeleine Albright parade around the world in skirts way too tight and short for her. It was beyond embarrassing. Forget the incompetence. The sight of Ms. Albright trying to ooze her lard ass out of a limousine to wallow rapidly behind poor old lying, bloody-handed terrorist Yassar Arafat left me coiled in a fetal position under my desk for days. I want reparations.
Think about what we had to endure during the Clinton years. Besides Albright and the occasional glimpses of Helen "Girly" Thomas, we had Hillary "Steinway" Clinton, Chelsea Hubbell Clinton, Donna Shalala, and that man-mountain of puree ugly, Janet Reno.
Vote Republican! Laura Bush, Dana Perrino, the Bush Twins, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Tammy Bruce (yeah, I know; it's a waste), Sarah Palin. Wake up, America!
Speaking of ugly women, is it just me or do other people wonder how Missouri Senator Claire MaCaskill gets so much face time on TV? The media seems to love the old bag. She's fat and unattractive, obviously not too smart, and only won her Senate seat because she was running against Missouri's version of Gomer Pyle -- Jim Talent. Talent is a incredibly decent human being and a true conservative who never had any business running for state-wide office. His loss to Pee-Wee Holden gave us four years of a Democrat in the governor's mansion while his incompetence in the race with MaCaskill has given us at least six years of corrupt liberalism in the Senate.
Anyone know where I can find one of those "Typical white person clinging to guns and religion" t-shirts? I'd like a window decal for my truck, too.
Person and Personalia
8 hours ago