By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. -- Hebrews 11:3
When you think about it, the 1st Century writer
of Hebrews is making an insightful statement for the time and place. Atomic theory goes back at least as far as
the Greek philosopher Democritus around 400 B.C., but it wasn’t something
generally considered or thought upon.
Democritus postulated an ultimate particle, something that has gone out
of fashion as physicists continually find more particles with more bizarre
labels. I seek an ultimate Person who
cannot be divided beyond the Trinity.
My TOE (Theory of Everything) holds that spirit and consciousness
created energy, matter, and all that we see, that the cosmos came into
existence by the Word. All things were made through him, and
without him was not any thing made that was made (John 1:3). I believe all that is solid and material emanates
from Life -- In him was life, and the
life was the light of men (John 1:4) – and not the other way around. I believe the universe makes sense to
humanity, that its underlying laws and principles can be discovered,
understood, and put to use by humans because it was created by the Mind in
whose image and likeness we are made.
Jesus confronted some of His accusers and attackers in John
8:14 with this statement: … I know
where I came from and where I am going ….
Though the Son is uniquely part of the Divine, like Him, we, too, have
an origin in the heart of God and a destination in the presence of God. Jesus is the only begotten Son, but we, too,
are children of God and part of His family. The material world is real but derived, and,
as we very real people are reflections and images of the Lord, it, too, is a
reflection of the ultimate spiritual reality.
The big challenge in life is learning that what we can’t see
with the natural eye and experience by the senses is what matters. It is seeing the apparent emptiness of space
as the matrix of material stars and planets and understanding all are one. It is recognizing the Way in which we live
and move and have our being (Acts 17:28) and realizing we are one.
"I believe all that is solid and material emanates from Life -- In him was life, and the life was the light of men (John 1:4) – and not the other way around."
Yep. Taking awhile to unlearn the opposite mode of thinking that the modern, secular world hammered into me.
"The big challenge in life is learning that what we can’t see with the natural eye and experience by the senses is what matters."
Yes, although I know this is true, it is still a challenge. It's very easy to be distracted by that which we can see and lose sight of what is important. We cannot always see what is important but we can sense it with our hearts n' souls and know it from His Word and Spirit.
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