Perhaps it may turn out a sang,
Perhaps turn out a sermon.

-- R. Burns Epistle to a Young Friend

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Whole Way

And you shall remember the whole way that the LORD your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not. -- Deuteronomy 8:2

It is something that I come back to time and again, that I won’t understand all the twists and turns and seeming detours of my journey until I reach a point where I can look back upon it with perspective.  We are as inexperienced mountaineers.  From the summit, we will be able to better see the reasons for the peculiar route over which the Lord chose to guide us. 

As we are climbing it may appear to us that He is deliberately – we might even be tempted to think maliciously – leading us over particularly difficult and dangerous sections.  Perhaps we see a path that looks easier and less strenuous.  He knows and we do not that the pleasant path ends at a sheer precipice or that it leads to a slide zone or some other peril that we cannot imagine or overcome. 

Sometimes the difficult way is the safe way.  And we should remember, too, that we are yoked and secured to our Guide.  He is not going to fall, and we who are with Him cannot perish.  He goes ahead and anchors us steadfast and unshakeable, no matter what may come.    

I do not know how far it may be to the end of this climb.  I may be near the mountaintop, or it may yet be a while.  The summit, for most of us, most of the time, is shrouded, cloud-hidden.  There are times, as well, when the clouds descend upon us, and we can see no more than the hand before our face.   Then we can but follow the gentle tug of the line of faith that is held by our Guide.   

Some days, perhaps early in the morning or in the evening before the light fades, the clouds cling to the slope further up, but the path we have ascended thus far lays open and clear to our spiritual sight.  We see how each encounter and test along the way led us to where we are now.  We recall the struggles and perchance the fears that assailed us as we faced various challenges.  We are reminded again of the One who does not leave us or forsake us no matter how terrified we may be, how dark the night, or how thick the fog around us.  He knows where He is, and He always knows where we are and just how to get us to the bright heights beyond. 


mushroom said...

I'll probably not post anything tomorrow or Friday. My daughter is coming down with the youngest grandson for his "spring break". I have taken a couple of days off from work, and we have some business we have to take care of.

Nik is doing much better. She can't drive yet, so Number One Granddaughter will bring them down.

You all have a good rest of the week and weekend, and we will catch up on Monday.

julie said...

You too, Mushroom. It's good to hear she's doing better.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

"Sometimes the difficult way is the safe way. And we should remember, too, that we are yoked and secured to our Guide. He is not going to fall, and we who are with Him cannot perish. He goes ahead and anchors us steadfast and unshakeable, no matter what may come."

Well said, Dwaine.
Often times the only real cliffhanger in our journey is theone in our fevered imagination.
Or, to be more accurate the only insurmountable cliffhangers are the ones in which we don't trust our Guide and head off on our own.

Have a nice mini-vacation. I shall keep praying for your daughter.

John Lien said...

Thanks for the update on your daughter. She's in my prayers, as well as all y'all.