It was obvious that the Tigers were going to win last night. I had predicted it for days. Except, I must admit, I predicted it would be the Memphis Tigers instead of those black-and-gold guys. Disclosure: I and at least three other family members are MU alumni.
This is the first time Missouri has been in the NCAA Tournament since 2003 when Quinn Snyder finally succeeded in destroying what was left of Norm Stewart's program.
The Tigers have twice before made the Elite Eight (in the 64-team era) -- 1994 under Stewart (losing in OT to Arizona), and under Snyder -- with the remnants of Stewart's efforts in 2002 -- losing to Tiger-nemesis Oklahoma. If it sounds like I am disdainful of Snyder, that is misleading. I actively despise Quinn (or possibly Quin) Snyder.
Stewart was a great coach during the season, and he always knew his conference opponents well. He never seemed to take the Tournament as seriously, and the Tigers lost a lot of first round games most fans thought they should have won. The alumni respected Stewart because he brought in genuine student athletes and knew how to get the most out of mid-range players -- 'Moon' McCrary, who eventually became the police chief of Columbia, MO, is a good example. Stewart generally ran a good program, and, most importantly, he usually managed to beat Kansas at least once a year.
Mike Anderson, who apparently was paying attention when he worked with Nolan Richardson, came in 2006 and has quickly rebuilt the program after Snyder's recruiting violations and indiscretions. Anderson seems like a very decent man, and I am happy for him and for the team.
Now Missouri is set to play UConn. I am not hopeful. I do have a fantasy, however. It is one that many Mizzou fans would donate a kidney to see. No, not Missouri winning a National Championship. That would be really nice, and we would be thrilled. In our fantasy, the Jayhawks beat Michigan State tonight, and Missouri manages to get past an extremely good Connecticut team Saturday.
There is no rivalry in sports like MU-KU basketball. The football Sooners and the Longhorns -- interesting, but not in the same league. Redskins and Cowboys? Ha. Alabama vs. Auburn? Who?
Nope, the Missouri-Kansas conflict has roots that go back 150 years to the real Border War. It's not even fair to call it a rivalry. Missouri graduates who have married KU grads know that it doesn't matter how sweet, kind, and loving your spouse is every other day of the year, when Mizzou and Kansas meet on the court, it's time to hide the sharp implements.
Just imagine the horror and dread that will haunt the minds of the Jayhawks and their adherents for an entire week, knowing they have to face the Tigers in the FINAL FOUR. [Insert maniacal laughter here]. Unless you have seen Missouri and Kansas play, you cannot appreciate the intensity of this potential battle. It won't be a game. It's never just a game even in the regular season. We are talking blood-on-the-floor intense. We're talking about people being thrown out of the game for vicious fouls -- heck, that's just in the bleachers before the clock starts.
And then, imagine if Kansas is knocked out of the Final Four by Missouri. Ho, I can hardly type for the sheer joy of the thought. My fingers tremble. My eyes are blinded by a golden cloud of glory. Should that unlikely event transpire, undertakers around the country would experience a huge run on funerals -- not from the heartsick Jayhawkers, but from Mizzou graduates who would die happy.
The Weird-Woven Cosmic Area Rug
21 hours ago
"UConn is over-rated!"
Hold that thought.
The end of the fantasy for this year as KU goes down. We always root for the Big 12 over the Big 10, but I don't feel too bad. OU and Missouri at least survived one round more.
Sounds good to me.
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