Congratulations to Mr. Obama on his inauguration as the 44th President of the United States.
The general feeling seems to be that America is in crisis, and we need solutions. We need to be willing to try things and be patient with less than perfect attempts. We need to be willing to give Obama and his team a chance.
Really? You mean the economic crisis, brought on in large part because of the leftists’ insistence that we make loans to people who can’t afford them, is such an overwhelming threat to our way of life that we should support our government’s efforts even if we disagree with the policies?
Where I'm from we have a technical term for that: bullshit.
Think of me as Code Red.
Don’t question my patriotism.
And remember that protest is, after all, the highest form of patriotism.
I was against the bailout of Wall Street and the automakers because I am a free market capitalist. It doesn’t matter if it is under a Republican administration with a Democrat-controlled Congress or under a Democrat administration. Government intervention in the private sector is bad for everyone. Make-work projects prolong and deepen recessions. We don’t have to go back to 1936 and the WPA. Jimmy Carter tried things like CETA and PSE back in the late ‘70’s. Those were disastrous wastes of tax dollars.
Expect Chicago street crews to expand, such that, instead of five guys – ethnically and gender diverse, of course – leaning on shovels watching one guy work, there will be eight guys leaning on shovels watching one work.
I do not want to live in a European-style social democracy, and I will do whatever tiny thing I can to prevent America going further down that road. America has already embraced too much socialism; government meddling is the primary problem we have now with healthcare and the financial sector. Our income tax system punishes achievement, our courts allow people to play lawsuit lottery, and we allow people on the government dole to vote. To the extent that Obama and his leftist, collectivist buddies want to push America on down the road to socialism, I am not “on board” with them, and I sincerely hope their efforts are monumental and catastrophic failures.
The majority of Democrats, in the face of a vicious common enemy – radical Islam, thought nothing of attempting to thwart the military, destroy morale, and play politics with the blood of American servicemen. They were more concerned about destroying George Bush and regaining political power than defeating a threat to Western Civilization. They succeeded. We can thank God that our military has succeeded as well, despite the increased cost in casualties resulting from an enemy emboldened by Democrat opposition.
In light of that, all efforts by the right to oppose Obama and his desire to destroy the Constitution and our economy are to be considered highly patriotic.
The Weird-Woven Cosmic Area Rug
10 hours ago
Um, yeah.
What you said.
Kool-Aid always reminds me not first of that big dumb pitcher or of Jim Jones, but of poor ole Richard Brautigan and Trout Fishing in America which I bought as a high-school student under the egregious misconception that it was about trout fishing. It contains a nice little near-poetry story, "The Kool-Aid Wino", currently available on the web in its entirety.
Hey, Sal. I woke up this morning at 5:15 because my daughter was in the family room and had the big TV turned on and up watching news coverage of the Event. Perhaps I am just not in a good mood.
Yep. What Sal said.
(Mushroom - you got up after that?!)
I went to my vol. job, but turned on the radio for the swearing-in.
They should have put the oath on tele-prompter...
well said.
Great post, Mushroom!
My sentiments exactly.
Hell no, we won't bow down to no Zero!
'Cause when he gets through with us, if he is successful with his policies, we won't even have any change left in our pockets.
I saw a headlinre from the Obama network today when I signed on. It said "Obama avoids dividing the country" or something to that effect.
Just when I think those fawning reporters can't get any more retarded...
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